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Merksyst Kiosks Price Check

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    Merksyst Kiosks Price Check
    Allow your customers to check product prices on the sales floor.

Merksyst Kiosks Price Check is the solution to the major challenges present in the retail industry.


Increases customer satisfaction

Improve the customer's shopping experience

Increases the speed of customer service.

Eliminates errors in prices published and charged in the POS.

Simplifies the purchasing process.

Facilitates technology adoption and training processes.


Key Funcionalities

Merksyst Kiosks Price Check is the solution focused on the end consumer, which enables the consultation of product prices within the sales floor.

- The complete description of the item can be displayed. 

- Displays the normal price and the offer price. 

- Visualize the pricing scale in volume strategies. 

Merksyst Kiosks Price Check allows you to increase revenue, improve customer satisfaction and reduce errors in your business transactions.

Some benefits of our specialized end-to-end-applications

Increases the competitive advantages of the business by adhering to market trends and needs.

Reduce the number of personnel assigned to the repositioning of unsold products.

Decreases the number of personnel assigned to customer service.

Reduces customer support cases for information issues.

Improve customer experience by increasing customer autonomy and engagement.

Learn more about
Merksyst Kiosks Price Check

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