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Merksyst Product and Price Management

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    Merksyst Product and Price Management
    Solution that helps with the management of the commercial life cycle of products; from concept to market.

Merksyst Product and Price Management is the solution to the major challenges present in the purchasing process in the retail industry.


Increases sales revenue on wholesale items.

Increases profit margins in retail and mid-wholesale strategies.

Increases revenues from impulse sales.

Increases cross-selling revenues.

Avoids loss of business in manual applications of pricing and discount policies.

Increases inventory displacement of slow-moving products.

Avoid loss of business due to uncollected promotions to suppliers.

Facilitates technology adoption and training processes.


Key Funcionalities

Merksyst Product and Price Management is the solution for managing the commercial life cycle of products considering the 5 stages of a product: development, introduction, growth, maturity, and decline.

- Catalog of articles. 

- Manage color and size. 

- Price management by zone. 

- Segment pricing management. 

- Volume pricing. 

- Discount promotions in %. 

- Price promotions. 

- Promotions by payment method. 

- Impulse promotions. 

- Gift merchandise. 

- Promotions by purchase amount. 

- Combos. 

- Coupons. 

- Cost changes. 

- Price list management. 

- Programming of price changes. 

Merksyst Product and Price Management allows you to increase revenue, improve customer satisfaction and reduce errors in your business transactions.

Some benefits of our specialized end-to-end-applications

Increases revenue through increased impulse sales, cross-selling and product profit margins.

Improves process efficiency and avoids loss of business.

Increases inventory displacement and avoids loss of business due to inefficient promotions.

Learn more about
Merksyst Product and Price Management

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